Denne kategorien inneholder kosttilskudd med vitaminer fordelt i underkategorier. Klikk på knappene for hvert vitaminl(over) for å se mer spesifikk inndeling. For å se supermat og pulver som du kan bruke i smoothie og matlaging se supermat.

  1. Quicksilver Vitamin C + Elderberry - 100ml

    kr 522,10 Fra kr 496,80
    OVERSIKT Vitamin C + ElderberryMay contribute to fortify the body’s natural immune defenses. May be a good option to support immune defense and respiratory health. The active ingredients in Vitamin C + Elderberry may: Promote immune defense Support respiratory health Enhance antioxidant potential Support healthy barrier integrity of the airways, skin and GI tract Vitamin C + Elderberry is a potent combination of vitamin C and black elderberry,  and may support immune defenses throughout the year to help get you over unexpected health challenges. Possible effects. Elderberry – may help support production of vital immune molecules and cellular antioxidant potential while potentially... Les mer